Work In Progress 4 (2024). Acrylic on Linen 50x70cm, 100x70cm, 50x70cm (200x70cm in total)

Work In Progress 1 (2024). Acrylic on Linen 70x70cm

Work In Progress 2 (2024). Acrylic on Linen 60x40cm

Work In Progress 3 (2024). Acrylic on Linen 70x70cm

I paint what I am visually drawn to… objects, people or scenes that I feel compelled to.
At the moment I am painting building sites or more specifically the image that I see when a curtain hides the work in progress of a building site. I like the complexity of the angles and lines, shapes and colours. I also like the temporary nature of the hoarding/curtain. That it is hiding something and all will be revealed in time. Everything is a ‘work in progress’ and it is this ‘progress’ that I am drawn to.
I recently painted my son at 18, he too is a ‘work in progress’
I am interested in the technical aspect of painting… application, colour mixing and truth.

Annette Smyth
June 2024

Previous related work, Abbey St. (2023)

Previous related work, Yellow Hoarding 2 (2022)